Apr 12, 2006

Makeup & Facial


Stuck in a make up rut?

Wondering why people also look so good in makeup?

Do not know how to apply makeup in a way suitable for your facial features?

Let us bring you shopping for makeup and guide you in a basic makeup lesson so that you learn skills essential to present yourself way to others!

For special occasions, we will also design special makeup for you, do the makeup for you or link you to budget conscious makeup saloons.

Facial/Makeup Services:
(Inclusive of a one-time FREE Consultation Session & One Makeup/Facial Session: Tampines or at Your Place)

1. Eyebrow Shaping & Trimming
2. Basic Face Care Session
3. Basic Makeup Session
4. Advanced Makeup Session
5. Special Makeup Session
6. Makeup Selection & Advice
7. Link up with Recommended Professional Makeup Artists